We believe every child deserves access to education, and at Tailored for Education, it starts with a $40 uniform. Join the Honor Roll program to make a lasting impact.
Yet governments in many developing countries require that students wear costly uniforms to attend school. UNESCO estimates that there are over 260 million children not enrolled in school.
Our locally made uniforms legitimize our children. When a child is in school, exposure to risks such as gang recruitment, kidnapping, child labor and trafficking are reduced.
All of our uniforms are made by local tailors, earning fair wages. That means more jobs and opportunity in the communities we serve, especially for women.
Schools and communities that receive uniforms experience a dramatic increase in daily attendance rates and student participation.
Economic opportunities create strong and stable communities. Every uniform is made by local tailors, earning fair wages.
With your help, our numbers can keep growing. Give monthly through the Honor Roll program to ensure a lasting impact on our children, tailors, and communities.