By Megan Kelly

Meet Maura!

The day after our event seems like the perfect time to introduce you to Maura Lacy, our fabulous Event Coordinator!  In addition to being an amazing friend, daughter, sister, wife and travel partner she is super human when it comes to running events.  Thankfully, she loves Tailored for Education and is willing to take on our events as a side job.  Maura, you are the best and last night would not have been a success without you!

1  Tell us about yourself!

My name is Maura Lacy and I am the Private Events Sales Manager for the Barbara Lynch Collective in Boston, MA. I am also the Events Coordinator for Tailored for Education! I am a food & drink enthusiast, recently caught the travel bug obsession and as the youngest of four children, I am very family oriented. I love spending time with friends, my husband Ben, our dog Opi and cat Jerry!

2.  How has education impacted your life? Is there a specific memory and/or person that influenced you?

My Great Grandmother was 1st generation from Portugal and being from an immigrant family, she always stressed to my father how important it was for him to go to school (and graduate college), she instilled that in him and he passed that along to me and my siblings.  Having an education has allowed me to be independent and able to create a career and life that I want (and have chosen).

3.  What is your hope for girls around the world?

That all girls have the opportunity to go to school and decide for themselves what they want to do with their lives.

4.  What inspires you about Tailored for Education?

Before getting involved with TFE, I never really thought about kids not having the opportunity to go to school.  I always thought of poverty as being something where kids didn’t have food or everyday clothing.  It never crossed my mind that these kids also didn’t have a place to learn (I know, seems silly that I wouldn’t think that way). For me, I never even had to think about going to school, it was a way of life.  You went to grade school, high school, and then college.  After college you moved on to a career or perhaps another degree. Unfortunately, there is a large part of this world that doesn’t have this opportunity or “Way of life.”

I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to Kenya to see TFE’s affect on children first hand.  These kids were in school learning because of the uniform on their backs.  Without TFE, they would be on the streets, getting mixed up in illegal activity, and possibly trafficked.

TFE inspires me because they are showing the world how one small thing like a uniform, can impact and shape the rest of one child’s life.

5.  What advice that you would give your 12 year old self?

Stop complaining about having to go to school or the ugly plaid uniform you had to wear….this uniform is priceless when it comes to the opportunity it will be providing.


27,270 Uniforms provided to children at over 155 schools in 2023, read more in our Impact Report!