
More than half of Haiti makes less than $1 a day and ⅓ of girls in Haiti over age six never go to school.

Our Challenge

There are not enough schools available for the number of school age children and with 60% of its population below the poverty line, most families cannot afford schooling if they can access it.

Our Solution

We partner with the EDEM Foundation to provide uniforms to over 2,500 students annually on the island of Ile-a-Vache and the cities of Torbeck and Jacmel. Over the past 13 years, this initiative has supported more than 15,000 uniform distributions, benefiting many students throughout their school years, with some receiving uniforms across multiple years to meet their ongoing needs. This effort also creates meaningful economic opportunities, engaging over 30 tailors, both men and women, each year to craft these uniforms, supporting local livelihoods and fostering community development.

One child, one teacher, one book & one pen can change the world.

Malala Yousafzai

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27,270 Uniforms provided to children at over 155 schools in 2023, read more in our Impact Report!