By Jessica Roy

Meet Luisa!

Photo Jun 12, 3 36 35 PM

Luisa is an 8-year-old 2nd grader in San Vicente, El Salvador. She lives with her parents, two brothers and a sister in a suburb of the city called Llano Grande. The children have to ride in the back of a pick up truck to go to and from school. Her home is made of aluminum panels and has a dirt floor, but has running water and electricity. Her father is quite proud to show off his organic garden where he grows peppers, cabbage, beans, other vegetables and fruit. Luisa is short for her age which is not uncommon, but she is also underweight. Luckily the school has a meal program to help supplement the children’s diet, which is helping.

Luisa washing her hair

Luisa washing her hair

Luisa getting ready for school

Luisa getting ready for school

Luisa (center) receiving her new school uniform

Luisa (center) receiving her new school uniform

Luisa is happy to be in school – and happy with her new uniform since her old uniform had missing buttons and didn’t fit so well! We are proud to support Luisa’s education by providing her school uniform.

Have a great week everyone!